As we begin a new month, there is some good news to share: thanks to your response asking for flood relief, a team led by our Haitian staff member Thonny Fabien helped get urgent food to over 100 families affected by these recent natural disasters. This is a big win, and it wouldn't have been possible without you.
Unfortunately, many people are still going hungry, not just because of weather-related events, but also due to the continued insecurities that exist in Haiti. We need your help to keep the food aid going. This month, please consider giving what you can to help provide nutrition for these families that are in need.
On a brighter note, we celebrated Father's Day in Port-au-Prince with a special church service led by the dads themselves. It was so heartening to see these men stepping up and showing their commitment to their families and their faith. This event will have a long-term positive impact on the young men that attended the service.

Summer is in full swing and we are very thankful for our students being able to complete another school year. What a blessing, even in the midst of so much uncertainty, that all of these children were able to complete their education this past year. This summer, we hope to open up our churches to these students and allow them the chance to get together, have fun, and worship God. In these tough times, it's important that our young ones keep their spirits up and stay connected to their faith and to one another.We are part of a new training program called "Ready-Set-Go". Our leadership team at Play It Forward (PIF) is hosting it right in Port-au-Prince. They'll be training PIF coaches and others from around the Caribbean. We're all about education and empowerment, and we're excited about the positive change this program can bring.
As we look forward to the rest of the month, please keep us in your thoughts and prayers. Your support is what drives these initiatives and makes a real difference in our communities.