Walcino is sometimes called Solo, which means slow, for those who call him like that. Solo has been part of Play it Forward since the creation of our sport ministry. In this article I will talk about Solo and his success in the program. His favorite activity to participate in is soccer.
Solo was very shy, and he always stayed by himself and he rarely had someone to talk to. One day, we asked Solo to be part of the committee players; PIF has intentionally created this committee to develop the youth and children leadership program. He was chosen to be a delegate in the committee. At first, it was not easy for him to play his role as required, but we patiently worked with him and inspired him to become more confident of his responsibilities. Step-by-step he learned quickly and he was given the opportunity to speak with the team. Many kids were laughing at him when he spoke but we never let him quit. Week-by-week he has improved and gained the benediction of the team.
Solo has become lover of a young girl who is a mother of one child in the community, one day I have discussed with Solo about his relationship with that lady. I attempted to advice to break the relationship. I was finally arrived to convince him after three meetings in a row. Solo promised me he will make an end of his relationship to keep playing soccer and for the good of his life. I was praying for God to help with this issue.
As a result, he has become a man whom we can trust with a lot of work, he is a strong leader and has been a good influence on the team. Now, Solo is studying electronic-tech at Port-au-prince.
Soon, he will be able to work in a company in Haiti and be ready to carry on by himself.
-Thonny Fabien, HCM Play it Forward Director