It took almost two years, but Sam Merilus walked out of the Christ for All Hospital using both his legs with a huge smile on his face. As he walked by us he said, “I leave today to go home. I have been cleared by Dr. Dieunord.” Dorlus replied, “This is a miracle you need to be thankful for; you are a true testimony to us all.”
HCM's medical ministry is being used by God to save physical lives and provide a way to share the Gospel to save their souls. God uses your financial gifts to fuel his kingdom work. Sam and his story are a testimony of your impact.
Sam worked as a gas station attendant and also as a motorcycle transporter. While working, Sam got hit by a high speed vehicle while on his motorcycle. Critically injured, he was taken to General Hospital in Port-Au-Prince. They did the best they could with the resources they had to fix the broken tibia. The surgeons elected to place a rod in his tibia.

A year later, he started feeling much pain and swelling on the lower and upper part of the tibia. Within months, the rod was breaking through his epidermis. He was transported to Christ For All Hospital where he met Dr. Dieunord began immediate treatment to prevent infection. “Without aggressive treatment, it was possible Sam's leg would need to be amputated due to the displaced tibia rod,” said Dieunord.
In Haiti, being physically disabled is like being in prison. Not only does it have a physical imprisonment, but due to the nation's lack of opportunity and education for the disabled, society puts them in a social prison as well. Unless the disabled individual is from a financially stable family or embraced by an organization, they are shunned from society and/or the job market. Amputation would have been a life sentence for Sam.
Dr. Banwart, an orthopedic surgeon, his wife Lynda, an NP-C, and several of their colleagues were on their way to Haiti on a medical mission trip. They would be able to look at Sam's case as soon as they arrived. During the surgery, Dr. Banwart was able to repair and stabilize Sam's broken tibia. "He is an extremely fortunate young man; God really looked out for him," said Banwart. Sam spent the next several months recovering at Christ For All Hospital under Nurse Jeanot and Dr. Dieunord's care.
Dr. Banwart returned to Haiti three months later to evaluate Sam's progress. His recovery was amazing as Sam was healing quickly and already walking! Two moths later, Dr. Dieunord removed the cast and Sam was ready to begin his life again.
This is what the Love of Christ is all about. God did it; Christ is for All!! Thanks to the time, skills and resources of Christians around the world, Sam’s life was saved and he’s able to be productive in Haitian society again. Your prayers, your support, your efforts go far.