Sometimes the worlds’ problems leave us feeling helpless. We have so many people visit and their heart begins to ache for the people of Haiti. We understand that. We see the need around us every day and we do all we can, the difference for us is that we see the amazing big picture. We see those who struggle, we see Haitian Christians giving sacrificially, AND we get to see other Christians all around the world rise up and help. We have so many faithful supporters, sponsors, and prayer partners. But we hear all the time, “What more can I do from here?”
Here are some tangible ways you can get involved today:
Through our sponsorship program, You will have a direct impact on the lives of those students and their families through your giving. When you sponsor a school through Haitian Christian Mission at just $35 a month, you help to educate and feed our students, create safe classrooms, and ensure our teachers have all that they need to succeed.
Taking a mission trip to Haiti is often a life-changing experience! The people that HCM ministers to are always blessed by mission teams. The team members also end up reaping as much benefit from the experience as those they go to serve. You’ll experience a different culture and connect with the beautiful people of Haiti. We welcome teams that are ready to work hard and come alongside us to serve and share the love of Jesus with the Haitian people!
To make an immediate impact, consider donating to help further God's work in Haiti.